I originally stumbled across these images whilst i was looking for a picture for the post beneath this one for Tamikrest. I wanted a completely unrelated photo to the band that sort of reflected how i heard them in an image. So as i was a bit drained and feeling lazy i wrote (of all things) 'Desert Psychedelia' into google images and this is what turned up. Absolutely stunning! Like stills from a Jadorowsky film or something. Shot with old polaroid film the photographers Neil Krug And Joni Harbeck are releasing a high end coffee table art book entitled 'PULP art book and prints'.
These images are so beautiful, if the prints weren't so expensive i'd buy the ones i've posted. To accompany these images i've decided to have some serious far out psychedelia from Pure Jade Green, a record i'm about to have pressed up onto acetate. Have a listen and see if you can see my logic for choosing it. Fucking incredible record! Ride on, into the sun.
I'm getting them all!
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